Fall 24 Beginner French 6th-8th
Classes begin Week Sept 24th and the session goes until week of Dec. 17th
12 weeks session tuition is $375 + $35 enrollment and materials fee (tuition based on 4 or more students)
if there are 3 students tuition will be $400

Classes will take place in my outdoor classroom until it gets too cold then we will move inside
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Email *
These are my tentative time slot availabilities for the fall. Please select ALL boxes that will work for your child's schedule. I may not be able to get everyone in their ideal time slots but will do my best!*

Name of student *
Student school and grade level *
Parent 1 name *
Parent 1 Email *
Parent 1 Phone Number *
Parent 1 Home address *
Parent 2 name *
Parent 2 Email *
Parent 2 Phone Number
Additional names for pick up *
Does your child have any allergies or learning difficulties I should know about? *
How can I be of most help in our tutoring sessions? *
By enrolling in French club, I allow my child to be photographed or captured in video for educational or promotional purposes. Please initial below *
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