Internet2 is convening a multi-campus cohort to lead participants through training for the AWS Solutions Architect Certification. The cohort will leverage training materials from Cloud Academy and will be led by Sharif Nijim, Assistant Teaching Professor of IT, Analytics, and Operations at the University of Notre Dame.
Participants can expect to commit roughly 5-7 hours a week over nine weeks: 4 - 6 hours of self-paced work through an online learning platform and a 1-hour check-in call with the cohort.
The total cost of the program, including the use of the Cloud Academy licenses but not including the price of the certification exam, is as follows.
- NET+ AWS subscriber institutions: $200/person (thanks to a grant from DLT)
- Internet2 members who are not NET+ AWS subscribers: $650/person
- Other institutions: $750/person
- Dates: March 4, 2024 - May 10, 2024
The complete syllabus is available
Sign-up for the program is first-come-first-served, prioritizing having as many institutions participate in each cohort as possible. Organizations can sign up multiple attendees.