Sukun Retreats: Healing Waters - Boat Island Hopping Retreat With Sarah Abdelmoneim & Farida Abushady
Join us on a 3 day journey into our emotions, floating on healing waters of the beautiful Red Sea, surrendering into magical starry nights of calmness & stillness. Together we will move, connect, heal, feel, chant, paint, float, swim, meditate, access our deep sub-conscious & re-program our understanding of self to learn how to navigate around our beautiful emotions, the source of what makes us feel alive.

Location: Sirene 2 Boat, Hurghada - Red Sea
Date: May 22nd - May 25th

Instalment options available.
Resident Rates
Per Person in a Double Room - EGP 24,000
Per Person in a Quadruple room (Only 1 spot available!) - EGP 21,000

International Rates
Per Person in a Double Room - USD 780
Per Person in a Quadruple Room (Only 1 spot available!) - USD 700

Our payment options include 
Valu, Meeza Card, Sympl, visa , Mastercard , Aman, Sympl,  and the installments program under these banks: NBK, El Mashreq, emirates NBD, Banque Misr and Banque Du Caire!

Retreat fee is non refundable but can be transferred to someone else if you would like to transfer it.

Please note that by signing up, your spot is guaranteed in priority in payment. However, your spot isn't fully guaranteed until Payment is made through a deposit in our CIB Bank account 

CIB ATM Account # 100043391083 
Account name : Sukun Studios 
Branch: Al hamad branch, new cairo
swift code : 

and proof of payment sent to 
+20 115 973 7778
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