TULCON 15 Audience Registration
Thank you for your interest in the 15th Annual Toronto Undergraduate Linguistics Conference (TULCON)! Please follow our website https://slugs.sa.utoronto.ca/tulcon15 for the schedule, abstracts and updates.

This form is for audience registration of TULCON15. If you are presenting in our conference, please use the register form in the invitation instead. SLUGS will not use the information you provide here for purposes other than TULCON15 organization.
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Name *
Email address *
Information about the conference, including the virtual meeting link, will be sent to registered attendees directly. We suggest you to register with your university/work email.
When do you plan to attend TULCON15? *
What’s your primary institutional affiliation? *
For non-U of T institutions, please choose ‘Other’ and fill it in. Thank you!
Which of the following would you use to describe yourself? *
Have you used Gather before? *
Gather is the platform we plan to hold the conference on. You can visit their website gather.town for more information.
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