Membership Registration  / Registro de Miembros

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I hereby apply for membership to “PODER”  - Por la presente solicito ser miembro de "PODER"
Membership is open to ALL women, trans, gender non-conforming, and non-binary people of the Latin American & Caribbean diaspora, as well as to other individuals, groups and organizations that are:
In agreement with the philosophy, mission, principles, and objectives of “PODER”.
Interested in supporting and contributing to “PODER”.
Name / Group / Organization: *
Nombre / Grupo / Organización:
E-mail Address/ Correo Electronico: *
City and Province /  Ciudad y Provincia: *
Postal Code / Código Postal: *
Phone Number / Numero de telefono:
Financial Contribution
A member has the right to vote at Annual General Meetings, to vote in new Board Members and to make changes to our bylaws. All members are required to register, and pay an annual membership fee or receive a waiver; no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. The membership fee is Pay What You Can, with the suggested contribution of $20.

PODER heavily relies on
 grassroots fundraising, which means no donation is too small, and all contributions support us in keeping our program and events free or as affordable as we can. 
How would you like to make your Financial Contribution for your membership?  (Pay what you can, suggested contribution $20) *
Do you have any access needs?
Thank You!
Toronto, Ontario


Privacy Policy

PODER Abya Yala Fuerza Feminista only collects personal information via Google Forms that you submit voluntarily when you provide your name, address and any other contact information. We use it to add your name and contact information to our membership list as per our bylaws, and to contact you directly for future engagement. By providing us with personal information, you consent to the collection and use of such information in accordance with this privacy statement. PODER Abya Yala Fuerza Feminista does not disclose any personal information to any third parties, except as required by law. You can let us know of any questions or concerns via email at

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