New Student Welcome Events - Fall 2024
Please complete this registration form. The welcome events will be held in-person, except for ASU online this will be virtual. For questions or concerns, email us anytime at

*Dates and times are subject to change.
*Zoom Link for the ASU Online event will be sent one week and one day prior to the event.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Student ID *
Email address *
Campus you will be attending this Spring *
Are you a Veteran, Dependent or still serving? *
Your branch of service? *
Which event will you attend? *
*Only for our Military Dependent Welcome event* How many guests will attend the welcome event with you?
*Only for our Military Dependent Welcome event*.  If you are bringing a guest, please add their names below.
What is your t-shirt size *
What topics do you hope we will cover? (select all that apply) *
If you chose other in the previous question please let us know other items you hope to hear about at your event.
If you are required to take a student success course, consider taking LIA 294 Student Veteran Success course. Confirm with your academic advisor if you need to take the class (LIA 294 is only open to student veteran, Active Duty, Reservist and National Guard)
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