RTR Academy Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in our instructor training program- RTR Academy! Please complete this form and you will hear back from Jean Marie, our Director of Training & Development. If you have any questions, you can also email jeanmarie@rtrpilates.com.

RTR Pilates a fast-growing, people-based company is looking for Pilates Instructors. If you are a person who enjoys developing relationships and your work energy level comes from being around people, we have an opportunity for you. If you enjoy working at a fast-pace, understand the need to provide great instruction to our clients and if you are a self-starter with an attentive style, we want to talk to you.  No previous Pilates experience necessary, we will teach you everything you need to know through our in-house, proprietary Pilates training methodology.  

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Email *
Name *
Where did you find out about the job opportunities at RTR Pilates? *
Please check your availability for training starting late January/early February *
Please explain your availability for teaching starting in March (days/hours/locations): 
Why are you interested in working for RTR Pilates?
What questions do you have about training or working at RTR?
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