Discourse Bot Suggestion Box
Suggestions for @horsedisc.bsky.social on Bluesky
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multiple suggestions per question are welcome, just separate them by commas or something
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Suggest an identity (ex: aromantic, Italian, biracial, Hindu, liberal)
Suggest ideologies (ex: communism, Hoxhaism, fundamentalism)
Fill in the blank with a social problem:  "Retrospectively I can see that (massMedia1) and (massMedia2) were both early expressions of a homegrown form of ______________ that was beginning to shape and color (nationality) life..."  
Examples: corruption, fursecution, increasing economic and political polarization, overconsumption
Fill in the blank with a group or organization: "I’d never really experienced it much before but holy shit now I know what people mean when they say ________________ has a (Social Issue) problem" 
Examples: the KHive, Skull and Bones, the Green Party
Note: This section is not for nationalities or identities
Suggest concepts (ex: cancel culture, the Gay Agenda, revolution, trauma)
Suggest a verb in the infinitive form (ex: to be gay with your dad, to fart, to do sex work)
Fill in the blank with a type of workplace: "I shouldn't be surprised that (ideologyNouns) have no idea how _______________ work, since (IdeologyNouns) don't work lol" 
Examples: restaurants, schools, machine shops, Gamestops, dick sucking factories (no, seriously, you can stop suggesting that one already)
Suggest a real person, living or dead (ex: Kate Bush, Mao Zedong, Paul Frazee, Kamala Harris) 
Fill in the blank with an animate noun: "YES (Real Person) was (verbing) a/n _________________. But that doesn’t mean you have to be mean." 
Examples: eGirl, snake, TERF, uncle
Suggest a job title (ex: forum moderator, chef, podcaster, teacher)
Fill in the blank with a present tense, transitive verb: "YES (properNoun) was ____________ a (noun). But that doesn’t mean you have to be mean." 
Examples: fingering, kissing, publicly shaming
Suggest Podcasts (ex: Chapo Trap House, Cum Town, Pod Save America, The Joe Rogan Experience)
Suggest a collective noun (ex: coven, gang, union, generation, group)
Suggest fictional characters (ex: Goku, Fat Bastard, Baby Yoda, Tony Soprano)
Suggest a piece of media (Examples: Breaking Bad, Elden Ring, The Matrix, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Catcher in the Rye, Critical Role, Dora the Explorer. NO SONGS.)
Fill in the blank with a personal problem: "i saw a tiktok about how (thingYouDo) in childhood is a sign of _____________ and i can't stop thinking about it" 
Examples: drug addiction, insufficient serotonin, gifted kid burnout
Fill in the blank with an activity: "(Identity) folks can and do enjoy ____________ and they’re still (Identity) because ____________ isn’t inherently (adjective)" 
Examples: clout chasing, homework, polyamory, thirstposting
Suggest inanimate nouns (ex: charcuterie board, ice pick, hot take, bodega)
Fill in the blank with a location: "Most (Collective Nouns) in _________________ are (adjective1) and (adjective2)" 
Examples: Area 51, China, New Jersey, Penis Hut
Suggest a transitive verb in the past tense (ex: fingered, T-posed on, findommed, publicly shamed)
Suggest a phrase or slang term (ex: bappin, femboy hooters, Yas Kween, Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra, my peanus horts) (preferably something well known and not an in-joke between three people in a Discord server- if it is, it better be really goddamn funny on its face)
Suggest an intransitive verb in the present tense (ex: doing 9/11, gaming, serving looks, shopping)
Fill in the blank with an adjective: "Fellas, is it ______________ to (do action)?" 
Examples: aggressive, blackpilled, tactical, bussin’, sus
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