RAMS Writing Center Interest Form
Thank you for considering becoming a writing coach! We are looking for students who not only enjoy writing but also work well with others to help them discover their writing potential. The RWC class meets during 3rd block on A days and is worth one elective credit. The RWC Club is an extension of the class and meets outside of school hours not only to provide writing help but also to participate in community service and events.
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Grade Level in 2024-25 *
Writing Strengths (check all that apply) *
Current English teacher *
What are other skills you bring to the table? Think about interpersonal skills (communication, respect, positive attitude, etc.) and productivity skills (time management, attention to details, following directions, etc.). *
Do you have any questions or comments about the RWC class or club? Someone will get back to you soon with answers! *
Finally, if you are joining the RWC Club, which shift are you able to work? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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