2023 ASA Parade Policy
The American Sidesaddle Association has won numerous awards throughout the years and has even earned
money engaging in parades. We have an excellent reputation to maintain and we ask that all ASA Chapters, Affiliates
and members follow our guidelines for both rider and equine safety along with spectator safety. By adhering to these
guidelines, we not only present a neat and professional appearance, we show our respect to the parade organizers,
media, volunteers, and fellow units. The emphasis is on team work and uniformity, and each point below is important,
and thus are in no particular order.

The rider will be required to Acknowledge and respond, in order to state they have read and will follow these guidelines.
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Venue Respect  1. Riders will clean up after their horses at parade line up and leave the area as clean as they found it.   2. Riders will make a good effort to provide a side walker and a clean-up person, to pick up droppings along the parade route, showing good sportsmanship by also picking up after non ASA horses that might be in the parade. *
Spectator Safety    1. Riders will not allow spectators to ride, pet or feed their horses during a parade. It is okay to allow spectators to pet a horse before or after a parade if that spectator is wearing good footwear and the horse is under good emotional control and wearing a halter and lead rope.    2. Due to ASA's insurance, physical interaction with the crowd is not allowed. Riders are encouraged to smile, wave, talk, and cheer to the crowd, but riders are not allowed to fall out of formation to approach the crowd. Riders must maintain an 8-10 foot distance from spectators, and a minimum of ten feet from other riders unless riding abreast. When riding abreast, a minimum of 4 feet is required. Spectators are not allowed to pet or feed horses. If a spectator approaches a rider, it is the duty of the rider to notify a safety walker, parade volunteer/official, or police officer. *
Costume Rules 1. The individual should make no effort to distinguish themselves above the other team members. Thepresentation of the unit as a whole, is key to a successful performance. The audience should remember theAmerican Sidesaddle Association, not an individual rider. 2. Cooperation, such as sharing skills and assets like braiding, sewing, labor, or trailering, is paramount. The closeknit nature of our group is one of the hallmarks of our success. 3. To prevent any confusion on costuming, team leaders or parade coordinators should provide a list of guidelinesor color schemes. If there is a costume committee, guidelines should be released at the earliest convenience,based on when a venue/festival makes announcements of any theme. The costuming committee or coordinatorwill be named on the guidelines, so to allow members to reach out with questions and clarifications. 4. Going forward, a costume committee or coordinator may require a photo of horse and rider in costume twoweeks to a month before the date of the parade, at the discretion of the costume coordinator. A photo of thepieces of costume may be accepted. Spot checks will also be made in the line up area, and the costumecommittee reserves the right to ask an individual to alter, add, or remove an item in their costume.5. Skirts should be full enough to drape safely around sidesaddle horns, you may open a seam and add velcro forextra safety, you may use a matching apron and pretty top instead of a dress. Make sure you are using a safetyrelease stirrup for sidesaddle. 6. Glitter on hooves is encouraged or bell boots or hoof boots in glitter to match costumes, ribbons or flowers inmane and tail to match costume is encouraged, you may use garlands to match. 7. Please keep accessories to those that do not hang down or pose a potential hazard while riding. Scarves, if worn, should be pinned and not tied around the neck. 8. Some parade venues ask that we wear their show ribbons on our bridles on the left, where the browband meet the cheek piece. This is part of being a uniform team. If your horse doesn’t like this, please practice at home before parade day. Parade horses need to be able to tolerate a lot of things and this should not be too much for them. Only if your horse has an eye injury can the ribbon be placed an inch down the throat latch.
** Gettysburg and reenactments are an exception to the Glitter rule and many of the "decorations" please remember to be respectful and historically accurate as possible with No Glitter, Plain Leather Bridle** 
Lineup Responsibilities   1. A rider's horse must be clean and presentable to ride in any parade. It is the rider's responsibility to make sure the horse they are riding is bathed and groomed before the parade or any rehearsal and/or meeting. If an individual is leasing a horse, they should arrive on time to get the horse ready. It is also considerate to contribute to fuel reimbursement if trailer hauling was not part of the lease fee.   2. If there is a mounted rehearsal and safety briefing, being on time is vital. As a rider you will receive your riding position and instruction. If a rider is late or unable to attend, they risk being excluded from the parade.    3. At a parade meeting or rehearsal, a rider will be given their line up position. Please respect that this is based on certain criteria and may change from time to time as new horses and riders are added. Positions are based on safety, and a solid team appearance. If there is a safety concern, a rider is welcome to bring it up with the parade coordinator. If asking to swap positions, both riders must be in agreement, and present it to the parade coordinator; however, the riders must respect the coordinator’s final decision.    4. Please try to put one experienced parade rider in each row. Once on the parade route, please listen to this rider. It is understood that even solid parade horses can have a bad day. However, the harder all riders work to be a team, the better the unit looks. All these things can be practiced at home with a few friends *
Rider Responsibilities   1. If a horse is growing upset, some parades may have a veterinarian who will administer sedatives. Please listen to the horse. If a horse is upset, dismount and hand walk the horse, or remove it from the parade for the safety of everyone. Once on the parade route, if a horse is upset and agitated, a safety walker may elect to lead that horse for group safety. A rider may also ask for help from the safety walkers. A horse that is dancing, bug eyed, agitated, and upset could be a safety issue and it also does not present a good image for ASA, therefore it is important to listen to the horse and remove it from the parade.   2. Once on the parade route, all riders must maintain their assigned position. For safety and team appearance, spacing between rows and lines must be kept even. This means that a rider may need to check or urge their horse forward as to not fall out of place. No horse should be ahead or behind, as the spacing between rows is for safety. Horses will either be side by side in a pair of two, or single file.    3. Horses will be kept at least one horse length apart; the horse length is determined by the size of the horse one is riding. The bigger the horse, the more space that is required.    4. In smaller parades, turning to the crowd when stopped can be a nice thing. In the Pegasus Parade, ASA riders are too large of a unit to handle this safely. If the parade stops, keep your horse straight in its row. Do not turn your horse's haunches towards the crowd or another rider.     5. If a spectator approaches a rider, it is the duty of the rider to notify a safety walker, parade volunteer, or police officer. The only exception to this clause is during the Preview Party for the Pegasus Parade. In this situation, the horse must be restrained and under direct control of a handler (halter and lead, bridle and reins ,in the hands of the handler), behind the fence. No member of the audience is allowed to be inside the fence or to sit on the horse. Saddles should be kept in direct sight of Preview Party booth workers, with all safety precautions being taken. ASA could be found liable for injury if a guest were to fall off a saddle or have a light weight stand collapse. For this reason, ASA's insurance strongly advises against allowing guests to sit in saddles, on or off the horse.    6. Riders must have previous parade experience riding aside, or have a recommendation from an ASA instructor.    7. Riders must listen to side walkers who are there for the safety of the team. Side walkers are responsible for helping to keep spectators back if needed, and to assist riders. If a rider is out of line-up, the side walker is thereto help provide support and direction. *
Youth/Junior Members   1. Sidesaddle riders must be 14 years of age, or have ridden aside in previous public appearances and have a parent or guardian with them during the parade either mounted or on foot. Astride riders must be 10 years of age or older and have excellent riding skills and able to control their pony or horse. Astride riders also must have a parent or guardian with them during the parade either mounted or on foot.    2. Riders 18 years of age or younger must wear an ASTM helmet     3. Minors must be accompanied by at least two adults at all times.     4. No junior riders may ride a stallion.      5. Junior members must have a tack safety check by an adult before mounting. *
Rider Selection    1. Riders may be limited to 21 people in a parade event. A backup list may be kept by the parade coordinator incase of cancellations. Rider selection will be based on previous attendance, teamwork, history, and other criteria to be determined by the costume committee. Anyone not selected to ride is encouraged to participate as a safety walker or ground crew. Those having performed those duties in the past will be given some priority over those who have never attended. *
Horse Rules    1. All horses must have previous parade or major event experience.    2. Stallions must be well-behaved and capable of performing alongside mares and geldings without issues. Please notify the parade coordinator in advance if you are bringing a stallion.    3. No lame or sore horses. Horses must be in good condition in addition to having a health certificate from a veterinarian.    4. It is recommended that riders have ridden their parade mount prior to rehearsals, if possible.   5. Any horse or rider deemed unsafe prior to lineup may be excused from the unit. 6. NO STALLIONS *
Tack Rules   1. All tack must be in clean and in safe working condition, no faded nylon or rusty equipment.   2. All sidesaddles must have a leaping horn.   3. Make sure you are using a safety release stirrup for sidesaddle.   4. Riders need to double check their tack before mounting.    5. English or Western sidesaddle may have a bridle that has bling to match. Please use a noseband (English style or western tie down), rope halter, or leather halter in case a horse needs to be led during the parade.    6. Saddle pad, if used, should match the costume. Bling is encouraged, breast collar is optional.   7. Bridles may be traditional leather or bio/nylon to match the costume. Please use a noseband.   8. Blinger hoods are allowed; if your horse has never used blinkers, consider removing the plastic cups from the hood or practice at home.    9. Wave, smile, follow the costume guidelines, have fun. *
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