Story Submissions: VAX

Currently collecting stories around vaccination experiences.

Submissions Close: November 1st, 2021

Q: Who should submit?
A: Anyone with a story of being physically emotionally or otherwise impacted by vaccination or lack thereof.

Whether you have been vaccinated or not, whether you support mandates of vaccinations or not.... if you have been impacted by the choice to vaccinate or not to vaccinate - we would love to hear from you.

Our curating team will synthesize all submitted stories or cast presenters to pair with storytellers to create a theatrical presentation. Submissions may be presented in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: dance, song, scene-work, poetry, sketch comedy.  

Performance Release: February 2022 (virtual or in person TBD)

Interested in sharing your experience? Please fill out all information below!
***By submitting you understand that your story may be adapted for the stage by our creative team***

NOTE: Stories do not require perfect grammar and do not have to be contained within any specific format.
(Suggested length: less than or equal to 1000 words)

For additional questions, please email 

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Optional: share your location & any identifiers that you value (ie: New York / Female / Black, ie: Los Angeles / Non-Binary / Hispanic, ie: Portland / TransMale / White)
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I'm interested in presenting as part of this showcase.
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