Step Change Studios Registration: Dance for Disabled Young People, Sundays, 11.00 -12.00. £3
Please register to join our dance classes for disabled young people. Classes take place every Sunday from 11-12 and cost £3 per class. Classes are for all abilities and take place at Porchester Centre (Yoga Studio), Queensway, London W2 5HS. Our sessions provide a fun, inclusive space to learn and enjoy dancing. Carers/siblings/ friends welcome. 

This programme is supported by Active Westminster and Everyone Active. By completing this form you agree to us sharing information with Active Westminster for reporting purposes. For queries please email: 
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First name and Surname *
Email *
Telephone *
Postcode *
Date of birth *
Emergency contact name and telephone number *
Please state your gender (leave blank if prefer not to say)
Ethnicity *
Do you have a disability or long-term health condition? *
If you answered 'yes' to the above question, please provide details.
Are there any additional needs or information about yourself that is helpful for us to know?
On average, how many days a week do you do 30 minutes or more of physical activity which is enough to raise your breathing rate? *
How did you hear about Step Change Studios? *
Photography/video – I give permission for Step Change Studios to use photos/videos from dance that I participate in for publicity (including social media). This will be used to help engage more people to dance and to raise awareness. *
I understand that I am voluntarily participating in dance activity with Step Change Studios and that this will involve movement and physical activity. It is my responsibility to consult with a doctor regarding my participation. By selecting 'yes' to this statement, I am agreeing not hold Step Change Studios or partners responsible for any injury or property damage that I may suffer as a result of my participation in any activity in connection with Step Change Studios. *
Name of parent/guardian if participant is under 18 or lacks capacity to consent.
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