NY Farm to School Summit Call for Proposals
When: November 21st - 22nd, 2024
Where: The Oncenter, Syracuse, NY
About: The inaugural NY Farm to School Summit will have sessions for all farm to school stakeholders including farmers and producers, food service directors, educators, school administrators, and more! The sessions will be wide ranging and suitable for stakeholders just starting out in their Farm to School journey or who have been working in the field for many years. 

Call for proposals due: May 1st
Selections will be made: June 18th

Session proposals: We are seeking high-quality educational workshops that allow for information sharing and peer-to-peer learning opportunities. Workshops should be tangible, practical, and give attendees a call to action. They should also align with the summit theme: It Takes a Village: Cultivating Community in Farm to SchoolPlease feel free to submit multiple proposals. Topic suggestions include:
    • Equity: Food sovereignty, food justice, incorporating culturally relevant foods into school meal programs

    • Marketing/Promotion: NY Thursdays, Harvest of the Month, Sharing your Farm to School story, social media

    • Policy: Advocating for Farm to School funding and policy

    • Procurement: Collective bidding, geographic preference, specifying NY products in local food solicitations, updates to small purchasing threshold

    • Incorporating local foods into school meal programs: Menu planning with local foods in mind, balancing entitlement and local purchases

    • Youth empowerment: Empowering students to become school food change makers

    • Community engagement

    • Education: Learning gardens, food system education, field trips

    • Finance: Tracking local purchases, strategic use of entitlement, leveraging grants

    • Selling local foods to schools: Engaging with school districts, identifying what products are the right fit, preparing to sell to schools

Session formats:
  • Presentation, workshop, or demonstration (45-75 minutes)
  • Discussion groups (60 minutes): Informal loosely facilitated round table group discussion. E.g., Farm Field Trip Best Practices; How do you incorporate local foods into your lunch menu?; Strategies for Community Engagement
  • Lightning talks (15 minutes): Rapid, high level overview of a topic. Can be shortened version of full length presentation. 
If the scoring committee feels your session is better suited to a different format, we will contact you. 

This project has been funded at least in part with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the view or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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Your name *
Your organization *
Please list the names and organizations of all presenters *
Session Title *
Session format  *
Please indicate the session theme/topic. Select up to 3 that apply: *
Who is the target audience? *
Please provide a brief (2-3 sentences) summary of your session. This is the description attendees will see when choosing sessions! *
Please provide a full description of your session. Be sure to include what the key takeaways will be for participants. (500 word max): *
How does your session align with the Summit theme: It Takes a Village: Cultivating Community in Farm to School? *
What is your ideal workshop capacity? *
Please describe your ideal room setup *
What are your room requirements? Please check all the apply: *
If your presentation is selected we will follow up to confirm session needs.
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