Feedback on Flood Response
The 2022 floods really affected our local communities. In our electorate of Moreton, over 12 suburbs were flood affected.

It has been a traumatic experience for everyone.  And especially for those who went through the 2011 floods.
As your federal MP, I want to hear your views about what needs to be done to mitigate the impacts of future disasters. We must learn the lessons from the response to these floods and the huge amount of rainfall that accompanied the flooding. And I want to hear your stories about your experiences during the floods.
Not everyone experienced the floods in the same way. This survey provides residents with an opportunity to provide feedback to me directly. While local and state issues remain the responsibility of the local councillors and state members, I would still find it useful to know your thoughts about those issues if you would like to provide them.

You don’t need to answer all of the questions in this survey, so please feel welcome to just respond to the questions you’d like to.

Thanks for taking the time to provide me with your views, experiences, and advice. I really appreciate it.

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Oxley, 1 March 2022
Full name (first and last name required) *
email *
Phone number
Postcode *
Do you have any feedback about how warnings and forecasts were provided, the quality of the information, and the timeliness of the information? What was done well? What could have been better?
Were you able to obtain sandbags? Did you know where to obtain sandbags? Do you have any views on your thoughts about how or whether sandbags were provided?
Do you have any comments about drains, backflow devices, or any other local water infrastructure? Have you got any feedback about dealing with Urban Utilities?
Do you have any feedback about power outages, the impacts of the loss of power, or any energy infrastructure?
Do you have any feedback about the information available about government payments, the eligibility for government payments, the application process for government payments, and/or access to help such as Centrelink workers?
What did you think of the Council's decision to open an evacuation centre at Chandler? Did you need to evacuate and if so, how did you manage it? Do you have thoughts about how housing and accommodation availability in your area affected your ability to stay safe from the floods?
Other than government payments, did you need any government or community sector support during the floods such as hot meals, a safe place to charge a phone, assistance with dealing with government? If so, where did you get support, how did you find out about it, what was done well, what needed improvement?
Were you affected by the disruptions to public transport, bikepaths, and/or local roads? Do you have any feedback?
How did you get your information? What information sources did you rely upon most to stay up to date in the floods? For example: Facebook group, radio, elected reps' Facebook pages, government websites, etc, television, friends. Do you have any feedback about the communications you received?
Do you have thoughts about the clean-up undertaken by the council? Did you want to volunteer to help others with the clean-up? Did you need help from others? Do you have any thoughts on how the clean-up has been managed? Do you have any thoughts on how volunteering was coordinated, by locals, by the Brisbane City Council, or by Volunteering Queensland?
Was your business or workplace affected by the floods? Do you have any feedback about support for businesses?
Do you have views on the Morrison government's response to this disaster? For example, do you have thoughts on the "emergency response fund", the deployment of the Australian Defence Force, the timing of the "natural disaster" declaration from the Prime Minister, or the National Recovery or Resilience Agency (if you have heard of it)?
Is there anything else you want to tell me about your experience in the floods?
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