La Vita Sukha Coliving application form
We are so excited you are interested in joining our conscious coliving experience in Puglia, Italy. 

Curating a community of like-minded individuals, who are able to co-work and co-live together, is really important to us. We believe that many, if not all, of the solutions to the environmental and societal challenges we are currently facing can be found within permaculture design and living mindfully within a collaborative community: working practically with nature, and forming meaningful connections.

It's for this reason we ask you to answer these questions first and jump onto a call with us next. We are looking forward to getting to know you. 

If you'd like to see more details about our coliving offering, feel free to head to the coliving page of our website here: 

Liz, founder of La Vita Sukha

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First Name (required) *
Last Name (required) *
Email (required) *
Mobile phone (this will be kept 100% confidential and will only be utilised if we are unable to reach you via email) *
We host coliving experiences to connect with individuals interested in being part of a permanent coliving community on a local regenerative farm, which is our long-term vision. How do you feel about this vision?
Select one or more options that describe you the best: (required) *
What kind of work do you do? Also please include any website or social media links. (required) *
When do you want to join us? Choose as many as you'd like: (required) *
Do you have a regular spiritual and/or mindfulness practice? Please indicate as many as apply or please feel free to share anything we haven't covered? *
Why La Vita Sukha? We'd love to find out more about you and your motivation to join us.  *
How did you hear about us?
Please ensure you have read our terms and conditions. *
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