Join the Rotary District 7210 Leadership Team for 2025-2026!
Do you have skills and talents to contribute to our District Leadership Team? 

Rotary District 7210 is seeking passionate Rotarians to join our District Leadership Team for the 2025-2026 Rotary year. 

Together, we can innovate, inspire, and create positive change in our communities and beyond. This is your opportunity to take action, collaborate, and contribute to the energy that drives Rotary forward. Please indicate your interest below in as many different areas as you wish.

The world needs Rotary International and we need you!
Let’s shape the future of service together! Be part of the 2025-2026 District 7210 Team!

Thank you, 
Beau O’loendorf
District Governor Elect

Carrie Hernandez,
District Governor Nominee

*An indication of interest does not guarantee selection for participation. Any questions? Please contact me directly at
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Club Name *
What Committee(s) are you interested in joining? Check as many that apply. 

Visit for more information about each committee. 
Briefly summarize your related experience for each selected Committee.  *
Interested in being on the Assistant Governor (AG)/Assistant Governor Assistant (AGA)Team representing your region? 

What is an AG/AGA?
Briefly summarize your related experience for an AG/AGA position. 

If you answered no, please put N/A below. 
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