Beyond the Borders
Bryn Mawr has never been as culturally rich as it is at this moment. Reap the benefits of the many global perspectives in topics such as traditions/festivals, entertainment and family values! The idea of this program is to create partnerships of BMC students from all countries A-Z, America to Zimbabwe. Both international and domestic students are welcomed to sign up! It will be held from March 19th to April 8th and will meet once a week. We will share 60 minutes per week for three weeks discussing in length their perspectives in these topics. The project will end with a program presentation and reception where partners will present an aspect of the project they consider the most valuable. Enrich yourself and others by participating in this fabulous program.

FYI: Posters and flyers are also around the campus! Check your dorm info boards, the dining halls, etc..
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First Name *
Last Name *
Class Year *
BMC Email *
Which topic among all three are you most interested in? *
Topic 1: Education, sexuality and gender roles. Topic 2: Pop culture, celebrities, and sports. Topic 3: Traditions and customs.
Nationality *
Multiple nationality may apply
Please choose the day and time you can attend the meeting. Check all that apply. *
Discussion sessions are in Quita Woodward Room. People will meet up for one hour per week for 3 weeks(3/19-4/8). There are two sessions for each week, but you are not required to attend both sessions since the topics will be the same during the same week.
The program will be holding a final reception on April 8th from 4pm to 7pm. Please check your availability. *
We will inform you if there is a possibility of change in date and time of reception.
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