Volunteer FormCosmic Convergence Festival .EU -2024 Volunteers application form:

Hello Cosmic Souls!

Want to be an essential part of making Cosmic Convergence a reality? 

Join our volunteer team and contribute with your time and energy to create a seamless and magical experience for everyone. Whether you're passionate about management, construction, logistics, hospitality, etc, we might have a place for you!


As a Volunteer you have to either work in total 20 Hours before or after the Festival.

Or  you can work in total 4 x 6 hour shifts during the Festival days.

If you are selected as a volunteer you will be required to submit €50,- (not refundable)

to cover your impact fee and meals. 



On site camping is available to Volunteers in a dedicated area and more instructions will be available closer to the event.



If you are applying for construction or for other areas that require equipment, you must bring your own equipment.

We suggest you bring the following: a full water bottle, some extra meals and snacks, yoga mat, sunglasses, a hat, sunscreen, a flashlight with extra batteries, and warm - cold clothes. Tents will not be provided (but under previous request and payment, you can rent one).

Once all of the above information is read and understood, please fill out the remainder of the form below.

Thank you for your interest in becoming part of our global community. 

Applications close May 15th, 2024 and you will be notified if you are selected or not.

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Email *
Full Name / Nombre Completo* *
What is your email? / ¿Cuál es tu correo electrónico? *
What is your Whatsapp number? / Número de Whatsapp? *
Emergency Contact [Name] / Contacto de Emergencia [Nombre] *
Emergency Contact [Telephone] / Contacto de Emergencia [Teléfono] *
Are you allergic to any medications? / ¿Tienes alergias a medicamentos? *
Country or Origin / País de Origen *
Have you attended the Cosmic Convergence before? / ¿Has asistido a Cosmic Convergence antes?         *
Have you volunteered with us before? / ¿Has sido voluntario con nosotros antes? *
Volunteer Options // Opciones Voluntariados

Volunteer Options:


Support for 08 hours a day (for 7+ days) to build different areas and to decorate the festival. 


Support for 10 hours a day (for 3+ days) with any last minute projects that need to get finished before the start of the festival. 


Support for 06 hours shifts (one morning, one afternoon, one night) to help make sure the festival goes smoothly. 


Support for 10 hours shifts (for 3+ days) to deconstruct the festival and make sure we leave the land cleaner than when we showed up.

Which volunteer options are you available to help out with? // ¿Cuál opciones son posibles? *
What is the earliest date you can arrive on site? ¿Cuál es la fecha más temprana en la que puede llegar al festival? *
What are your areas of interest? (Check all that apply!) / ¿Cuáles son tus áreas de interés? (Marca todo lo que corresponda.) *
What languages do you speak FLUENTLY?/ ¿Qué idiomas hablas CON FLUIDEZ? *
What specialized skills do you possess (Check all that apply!) / ¿Qué habilidades especiales tienes? (Marca todo lo que corresponda)
Why we should pick you for the Cosmic Convergence volunteer team? / Por qué razón te gustaría formar parte del equipo de voluntarios de Cosmic Convergence?                                         *
Please include any other facts you think we should know / Por favor, incluye cualquier otra información que consideras relevante para nosotros. *
-How do you know about us?
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