Community-Based Learning Mini-Grant Application
Thank you for integrating community-based learning into your course. We want to support you! Let us know how we can help.

The Community-Based Learning Mini Grants are designed to support any additional costs incurred by your community-engaged project. This could include, but is not limited to: supplies, guest speakers, transportation, or refreshments (Covid permitting). We are prepared to give up to $500 per course; the amount of courses we can fund is dependent upon the availability of funds. Full-time and part-time faculty are welcome to apply.

The deadline for applications is December 4, 2020 for projects implemented in the spring 2021 semester. Applications will be evaluated by the Community-Based Learning advisory committee. Upon being chosen to receive the mini-grant, faculty will be expected to provide itemized budgets for their projects.

Questions? Contact Tara Karaim at
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Name *
Email *
In which course(s) will you implement your CBL project? *
Please identify the amount of grant funds you are requesting. *
Please provide a description of the CBL project answering the following questions: how would the funds be used? How would the project positively impact student learning? How will it positively affect the community? *
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