Book Suggestion Form (scroll for complete form)
Please complete the form below with information about the book you are requesting. If we are able to purchase it, you will be emailed as notice and it will be held for you to check-out first at the main desk. Thank you! - Ms. Mac.
登入 Google 即可儲存進度。瞭解詳情
電子郵件 *
Your name *
Your student ID *
The title and author of the book you would like to suggest. (The more info you give, the more certain I can be that I have found the correct one) *
What is it about this book that interests you?
Is there anything else I should know about this request? If you are requesting a book in another language, please put the language in this space. *
請勿利用 Google 表單送出密碼。
這份表單是在 Keystone Oaks School District 中建立。