2024 Elementary Nutmeg Nominee
Take the following quiz to receive one of the fifteen Elementary Nutmeg Nominee badges. If you need to sign up to be a 2024 CANTON NUTMEG READER, please click HERE. * You can earn a tag by completing this quiz OR, if you don't like quizzes, you could:
  • write us a letter about the book
  • draw a picture or two with details from the book
  • record yourself talking about OR reading the book
If you come up with another creative idea you'd like to try, we'd love to see it.

Thank you for being a Nutmeg Reader, the award where Connecticut KIDS get to choose the winner each spring!
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Alma graduated from Howard University. What was the first degree she earned? *
10 points
What year did Alma die? *
10 points
Alma set up a gallery in Washington, D.C.  The location makes it special, the first of its kind in the city. Where is it located? *
10 points
In Washington, D.C., what day is Alma Thomas day? *
10 points
Where is Alma's first solo show, the first solo art show by a black woman in the United States? *
10 points
Where was Alma's family from? *
10 points
What famous house has had an Alma Thomas painting in its dining room? *
10 points
How old is Alma when she changes her art style? *
10 points
What are Alma's paintings most inspired by? *
10 points
Email address *
Ablaze With Color: A Story of Painter Alma Thomas by Jeanne Walker Harvey, Jeanne Walker, pictures by Loveis Wise
What is the year that the President and the First Lady put Alma's painting on display? *
10 points
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