Patient and Family Advisory Council Interest Form

Mahalo for your interest in joining REHAB’s Patient and Family Advisory Council. Please submit the form below and a member of REHAB’s staff will reach out to you shortly. For additional questions, contact the Director of Quality at 808.566.3541.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Are you fluent in English? *
Which (if any) REHAB services have you received?

What was the date of your most recent care experience (if any) at REHAB?

For what length of time would you be able to serve as an advisor?


Are you able to take on additional hours in between quarterly meetings? Please indicate the additional time (if any) you are able to commit to being an advisor.


Why would you like to be an advisor on REHAB’s Patient and Family Advisory Council?


Are there any particular topics (ex. programs, procedures, family experience, etc.) that interest you?


Do you have previous experience as a volunteer, advisor, or board member for other organizations? If yes, please explain.

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