Thrive: Towards a Vibrant & Connected Inner City

Inner-city neighbourhoods have long been a refuge for diverse communities and alternative ways of living. The Gabba Ward, in particular, has historically been home to some of Brisbane's most culturally diverse, creative and working-class communities. Along with this rich tapestry of cultures, our proximity to everything has led to a population boom in recent years. 

Living in close proximity to so many other people provides both opportunities and challenges. If we invest in the social and physical infrastructure required to support higher densities, then a growing population could increase the quality of life for all residents.

Building a Vibrant & Connected Inner-City For Everyone

Empowering residents to have more control over how their neighbourhoods change is essential if we want to ensure these changes benefit everyone and not just the wealthy few.

As your new Councillor, I want to know what you think about life in our inner-city neighbourhoods. What do you love? What do you find challenging? Do you have any burning ideas for how we can improve life for inner-city residents?

This survey is one part of a wider project which will help me understand the strengths and challenges that comes from living in a densely populated, inner city area. 

Completing the survey
We suggest giving yourself up to 15 minutes to complete all the questions. It may take longer depending on the details provided. You do not have to answer every question

This survey is broken into 4 key parts: 
  1. Broad overview of the positives and challenges of inner-city living
  2. Understanding infrastructure shortfalls and priorities relating to transport, greenspace and community facilities.
  3. Ideas and solutions moving forward
  4. About you
We'll ask a little bit of information about you to understand how you use the local services. The survey is anonymous - you do not need to provide any contact information if you do not want updates about the project.

If you have any questions about the survey, difficulty completing it, or feel there was something left out that you would like to comment on, please contact the Gabba Ward Office (details below, and at the end of the survey).

Contacting the Gabba Office :
phone: 3403 2165 
address: 2/63 Annerley Rd, Woolloongabba (entrance on Crown st)

Open Monday-Friday, 9am - 4:30pm

Thank you! And we look forward to seeing your response,

Trina and the Gabba Office team
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