Presidential Innovation Fellows Agency Project Proposal
Please fill out the following form to kick off the exploratory process in working with the Presidential Innovation Fellows (PIF) program. Tell us about your agency's priorities, the challenges you are trying to solve, and what success would look like at your agency. If possible, include the agency leaders championing this project and which team within your agency would a potential PIF team be working most closely with. You can see example project descriptions on our website (e.g.

We are currently accepting project submissions through April for the next cohort of fellows. Fellows are hired as full-time federal employees at a GS-15 level, Step 1, serving a 1-2 year term in Washington, D.C. Please feel free to contact us at with any questions.

Read more about the program on our website:
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Agency and office *
Please tell us your agency and the office/program where this project will live. This helps us understand where the fellow will be working within your agency.
Agency and office overview *
Please provide background on your agency and individual program/team. In addition, tell us who the fellow will be reporting to and their position at your agency.
Project details *
Please tell us about your agency's priorities, the challenges you are trying to solve, and what success would look like at your agency. If possible, include the agency leaders championing this project and which team within your agency would a potential PIF team be working most closely with. You can see example project descriptions on our website (e.g.
One line project description *
In one sentence, describe the impact this project will have on your agency (e.g. "Helping the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs better support veterans transitioning from military to civilian life, improving data sharing to enable medical research and improved health outcomes for veterans, and reducing the processing time for medical claims")
Skills required *
Please provide 1-3 sentences on the skills required for this project (e.g. design, AI/machine learning, data science, software engineering, digital strategy, etc.)
Other comments/questions? (optional)
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