Late Arrival/Early Release Permission Forms (2023-2024)
Criteria For District Approval

11th and 12th Graders with a class period scheduled for the Learning Commons are eligible for late arrival or early dismissal if their Learning Commons time is scheduled during any of the following:

Late Arrival:
  • 1st period on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • 4th period on Thursday

Early Dismissal:
  • 8th period on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday
  • 5th period on Wednesday
  • 6th period on Thursday

If your student meets the above criteria, by completing the form you agree to, and fully understand the following.
  • Students electing late arrival may not arrive at the building earlier than 5 minutes prior to the end of 1st period (4th period on Thursday).
  • Students electing late arrival are required to attend their Access period on Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Students electing early dismissal must exit the building no later than 5 minutes after 7th period ends. (8th period on Thursday)
  • If a student needs to stay for an athletic practice and does not have transportation to leave and come back, they should not elect early dismissal.
  • Students must have their own transportation to/from school. There will not be additional bus runs for late arrival or early dismissal.
  • Electing early release/late arrival in no way entitles students to parking privileges on campus.
  • Forms are Due by 5:00 PM on Friday, August 25th
  • Allow a 72 hour (school day) turnaround time for the change to be approved and viewed in the Home Access Center (HAC). If you do not see the modification after this time frame please reach out to your counselor.
**If Granted, Late Arrival/Early Dismissal will begin as soon as the change is visible within the Home Access Center (HAC).
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Student ID Number *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student Email Address *
Name of the Parent or Guardian submitting this form *
Phone Number of the Parent or Guardian submitting this form *
Email Address of the Parent or Guardian submitting this form *
I authorize my student for the following:    (Please check all that apply) *
Which Semester is your requested for? *
I confirm that I am a parent/guardian of the above named student. *
I further confirm that I have reviewed the criteria for Early Dismissal/Late Arrival above, and have arranged for our own transportation for my student. *
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