BCHU Work Project Information - 2024
Hours worked form.  
Please fill in each time you complete a work project.
If in doubt about what constitute reportable hours.
Consider the following:
• Does the public benefit?
• Will any part of the contribution be compensated for in real dollars? If so, by whom?
• Would an agency consider this reasonable?
• What was the intent of the event?
If you have recommendations on improving this form contact webmaster@bchutah.org
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Date(s) of work being reported *
Short description of work being reported. *
Volunteer Name (if reporting collectively for more than one individual,  list names here and report totals for all individuals  below) *
Your Chapter *
Agency Benefited *
USFS District/BLM Field Office/Other *
Fill in the name of the USFS District, BLM Field Office or Other Land management entity name
Donations of money or material from chapter treasury, grants, personal accounts or business accounts (e.g. nails, gravel, supplies, etc.). Report the monetary value. (NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT)
Basic Work Hours
Trail maintenance brush clearing, work not requiring skilled labor, etc.(NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT); remember to report totals for all individuals listed above in Question 3)
Skilled Work Hours
Work requiring skilled labor such as packing, carpentry, bridge construction, use of power equipment, chain saws, etc(NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT); remember to report totals for all individuals listed above in Question 3))
Power Equipment Hours
Total actual hours using  power equipment on projects (e.g. Chainsaws, weed whackers, mixers, etc.)(NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT); remember to report totals for all individuals listed above in Question 3))
Heavy Equipment Hours
Total hours charged at hourly rate for heavy equipment used on projects. (e.g. Tractors, Post Drivers, Backhoes, etc.)(NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT);
Stock Used
Number of livestock used to complete a project (NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT);
Stock Days
The number of animals times the number of days used. (e.g. If 2 animals are used for one day that equals 2 stock days. If 2 animals are used for 2 days that equals 4 stock days.) If an animal is used for only part of a day, report as one Stock Day no matter how long it was in service.(NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT);
Trail Work Miles
The total miles of trail, not in a designated Wilderness Area, cleared in a trail maintenance project. (Remember: 10 people clearing one mile of trails is only 1 mile for the entire group.)(NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT);
Wilderness Trail Miles
The total miles of trail within a designated Wilderness Area cleared in a trail maintenance project.   (Remember: 10 people clearing one mile of trails is only 1 mile for the entire group.)(NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT);
Recon Work
The hours ridden in advance planning a trail project to determine the level of effort required.(NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT); remember to report totals for all individuals listed above in Question 3))
Community Service - Education and Leave No Trace (LNT), Light On The Land
Actual hours spent teaching, preparing and conducting educational clinics, seminars, classes, reports, LNT seminars classes etc.(NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT);remember to report totals for all individuals listed above in Question 3))
Community Service - Public Meetings
Actual hours spent in actively attending or presenting at public meetings relating to BCH Activities or issues.(NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT);remember to report totals for all individuals listed above in Question 3))
Community Service - Administrative Service
Actual hours spent scheduling, coordinating and planning work rides within the chapter as well as coordinating rides with agencies and/or agency representatives. Preparing and submitting comments on land manager land use, transportation and use, and National Environmental Protection Act documents.  Planning clinics or workshops. Planning events that are open to the public. Volunteer Hours Record Keeping. Newsletter/webmaster Editor Hours, Secretarial time, Accounting and bookkeeping. Research for articles, or writing of an article to be published in a state/chapter newsletter/website/Facebook page. Web page maintenance hours, Facebook management hours(NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT);remember to report totals for all individuals listed above in Question 3)
Travel Time
Each individual may enter round trip travel time (Home to Home). So record actual hours going to and from projects, educational or public meetings (NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT); remember to report totals for all individuals listed above in Question 3))
Travel Miles (only drivers not hauling stock)
If hauling stock, do not enter mileage here (enter it in the next block).  Actual personal vehicle miles from home to projects, educational or public meetings and return – only the driver reports miles. (NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT); remember to report totals for all drivers listed above in Question 3))
Stock Hauling Miles (only drivers)
Actual miles using a truck and/or trailer rig to haul animals AND/OR Heavy equipment etc. to projects and back. Only Driver reports miles. (Claim either stock hauling or personal miles but not both, unless the project has both then claim the actual miles hauling stock/equipment and the miles using personal vehicles (NUMBER ONLY NO TEXT); remember to report totals for all stosk hauling drivers listed above in Question 3))
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