HSS Affiliation Form
(A Non profit Organisation duly registered with the Dept. of Social Development –Ref.:  037-214-NPO)'
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Affiliation Type : *
1. Name of Applicant/Affiliate (Herein referred to as the “Affiliate”) *
2, Affiliate's Physical Address: () *
3. Affiliate's Postal Address
4. (a) Affiliate's Telephone *
4 (b) Affiliate's Fax Number
4. (c) Affiliate's Email *
5. Affiliate's Region *
6. (a) 1 Office Bearer Chairpersons Full Name *
6. (a) 2 Office Bearer Chairpersons Postal Address *
6. (a) 3 Office Bearer Chairpersons Contact Details *
6. (b) 1 Office Bearer Secretary's Full Name *
6. (b) 2 Office Bearer Secretary's Postal Address *
6. (b) 3 Office Bearer Secretary's Contact Details *
6. (c) 1 Office Bearer Treasurer's Full Name *
6. (c) 2 Office Bearer Treasurer's Postal Address *
6. (c) 3 Office Bearer Treasurer's Contact Details *
6. (d) 1 Office Bearer Representatives Full Name *
6. (d) 2 Office Bearer Representatives Postal Address *
6. (d) 3 Office Bearer Representatives Contact Details *
7. (a) I, Name & Role for acknowledgement below: *
7 (b) Acknowledgement *
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