Would you like to organize an event or exhibition at Bar Bario? Please fill this in for easier organization!
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Nice to meet you! What's your name and pronouns?
Would you like to organize an event or exhibition? *
What is the name of it ? *
Describe your event/ exhibition subject (what it is about) in short *
How long would you like your event/ exhibition to go on? *
Do you already have a date in mind? *
Please explain to us how you would like your event/ exhibition to go (expand on what you'd like to happen that day/ timeperiod) *
Please expand on the story of your event/ exhibition (what it is about)
If applying for an exhibition, please add a wetransfer/ google share/ other link so we can take a peek!
Please share your socials (website, instagram, linkedin, twitter, blog, whatever) so we can take a peek/ get an idea
Please share your e-mail so we can contact you! *
Everyone is welcome to share any of their ideas with us! We welcome all creative minds and ideas.
We'll be in contact with you as soon as we can :)
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