Graduate Student Interest Form
Thank you so much for your interest in working alongside our team in supporting our MV3 scholars for the 2023-2024 MV3 Scholars program. 

The MV3 Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that invests in the personal and professional development of Black undergraduate students pursuing careers in health and/or biomedical science. At the Foundation, our team of students and professionals support our scholars’ academic and professional growth through a dynamic and predominantly virtual mentorship model involving 2 major programs, one of which is a group-based professional development program with career discernment activities, personal growth sessions, and networking opportunities. 

Outside of direct mentorship, there are many opportunities for healthcare and/or biomedical science professionals of any race/ethnicity to become involved! Please select all options that you are interested in and we will reach out to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
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Name *
Email *
Phone #
Are you an MV3 Scholars Program Alum? (i.e. were you part of the 2022-2023 Scholars Program and have since graduated?)
Please check the boxes of the racial group(s) with which you identify *
Are you currently enrolled in a medical, dental, and/or graduate degree program?
Current Medical, Dental, and/or Graduate Institution (if applicable) *
Year in school as of September 2023 (ex: M2, G4, already graduated) *
Expected Graduation Date
Past Medical, Dental, and/or Graduate Institution (if applicable) and year of graduation *
If you are not/ will not be enrolled in graduate school, please briefly share what you will be up to between May-Dec 2023 (e.g. working for _____)
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