Opportunity Academy's 2023-24 School Climate Survey
This survey is an opportunity for you to help Opportunity Academy by sharing your opinions about your experiences. Your opinions are important, and the school is interested in hearing them. We are particularly interested in your thoughts on the school's efforts to promote academic success and well-being for every student, regardless of race, ethnicity, disability, or other characteristics. Answer all the questions based on your experiences at Opportunity Academy only. We appreciate your honest opinions.
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This school actively seeks the input of students, parents and community members before making important decisions.
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This school has clean and well-maintained facilities and properties.
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This school motivates students to learn.
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This school has a supportive learning environment
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This school has adults who really care about students.
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Teachers at this school communicate with educational partners (parents, counselors, tutors, etc.) about what students are expected to learn in class.
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Education Partners (parents, community members, community partners) feel welcome to participate at this school.
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School staff take education partners' (parents, students, community members/partners) concerns seriously.
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Please provide any additional opinions not captured in the statements/questions above.
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