Swing Kids Swing Teens at Snowball 2024
WELCOME TO Stockholm and Quality Hotel at strawberry arena!

Welcome to register for the camp 27-30th of December. All classes will be taught with a mix of swedish and English. Register here and then visit www.kalabalindy.com to pay the camp fee online.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments: info@kalabalindy.com

In swedish/På svenska: Om ni vill ha all info på svenska så kontakta info@kalabalindy.com

Epostadress = Write the email that you want all important info sent to.

Obligatorisk* = Mandatory.

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Email *
Participant´s first- and lastname (the students name): *
Street address: *
Postal code:
Student´s date of birth (YYYYMMDD): *
Camp registration and track: *
Experience in swing dancing: *
(It can also be how many years you have been to Swing kids Swing teens dancecamp in Herräng)
Lunch package: *
Includes lunches 27-30th dec. Price: TBC  (that you pay at check in)
Food preferences and/or allergies (or write "None") *
Lead/Follow/Both *
Within couple dance there is one who has the role as a leader and one is following.
Guardian's first- and lastname *
Guardian's phone number (write countrycode): *
Is the student allowed to go home/the hotel room by themself after classes? *
I prefer to pay via:
(The camp cost 2800sek)
Thank you so much! /Mattias, Hanna and the Swing Kids Swing Teens Snowball Crew
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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