REFUGIN's Online course for Youngsters in Refugee-like Situations

❗ This form is meant to register youth from 18 to 25 years of age. If you are under 18 years old, please register via this link with the support of a responsible adult.

REFUGIN's online course for youngsters in refugee-like situations is part of a multilingual training initiative which aims to empower these youngsters, building their understanding of their own displacement processes and key capabilities for sustained integration

This training course follows a hero narrative, providing key information in clear and easy ways, focusing on the challenges for integration and how to overcome them. 

The course will be available for piloting in Arabic, English, Greek, Polish and Ukrainian for youngsters in refugee-like situations (ages 18-25), currently residing in France, Greece, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Serbia. This training course will take place in an e-Learning format, thus allowing for a self-paced progress. After its completion, a Certificate of Achievement will be provided.  

To know more about the REFUGIN project, please visit its website:

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