Volunteer Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for my campaign. You will make all the difference in winning this seat in AZ LD18! When we work together, our shared values will be represented at the AZ Legislature! Please fill in the form below and the campaign team will contact you.
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First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Physical Street Address
Zip Code
What Legislative District do you live in? (ex. LD18)
How do you prefer to be contacted
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Tell us about your personal skill strengths.
We believe in matching our volunteers to the projects they will enjoy and utilizing their own special talents. Below is a list of potential areas we may need help with. Please select the ones that interest you, as many as you like.
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Questions or Comments? Feel free to tell us a little about yourself and why you are interested in getting Jennifer elected.
Thank you for offering to help elect Jennifer Jermaine to the Arizona House of Representatives. We will be contacting you soon.  We appreciate our Volunteers!
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