Build on Ice!
This FREE exhibition and competition is brought to you by the Christchurch Brick Show, Imagination Station, and Antarctica NZ. The event will celebrate creativity and innovation. This year we are running a section for schools and a section for individual entrants.

ThemeAntarctica (e.g. landscape, animals, buildings, science, vehicles) Antarctica New Zealand has provided some great resources to support classroom learning and give you some great ideas on what to build. There is a broad scope to help you meet some of your DDDOs and other aspects of your 2025 curricula and themes.

Schools: Participating schools will be lent one of ten identical 500-piece kits of LEGO for one month to use for their entries, and can enter as many groups as they wish into the competition. Schools will also receive curriculum resources from Antarctica NZ. Competition entries are to be in the form of one A3 poster or 5-8 Google slides. Winning entries will be displayed at The Christchurch Brick Show over the weekend of July 5th and 6th. Entries are due one week after the return of the kit, with the final day for judging being July 4. 

Individual entrants: Participating individuals will use their own LEGO to build an Antarctic-themed creation for exhibition, and accompany this with a single A4 page describing their entry. An exhibition of all eligible entries will be held at Tūranga over the weekend of June 14th and 15th, and winning entries will be displayed at The Christchurch Brick Show over the weekend of July 5th and 6th. Entries close Friday, May 30.

 All entries must use genuine LEGO products to be eligible, and must not use any products that infringe upon The LEGO Group's intellectual property. By registering for this event, you consent to being added to our mailing list (you can unsubscribe at any time).
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School entries: class or group name
School entries: preferred time to have LEGO (if possible)
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