Decolonize: A Book Club on Healing and Re-connection
Kumusta, po! Welcome! I'm honored to offer a space for us to de-colonize, re-connect, and heal. For our first book club and next few meetings, we will make our way through Dr. Mullan's Decolonizing Therapy. On Sunday May 29th, we will discuss the introduction and chapters one and two. You can purchase a copy of Decolonizing Therapy through our,, or request a copy from Clover Daydreams (see question 3 below). There are also a number of physical and digital copies available from our local libraries. Please let me know if you need help accessing a copy.
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Are you reading/have read Dr. Jennifer Mullan's Decolonizing Therapy?
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Would you like to place an order of Decolonizing Therapy
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Are you able to make it to the first book club on Sunday May 29th from 11am-Noon? *
If you feel comfortable, please share where your ancestors come from? 
Please read through the community agreements, found here *
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