Form A part 2 - Volunteer Agreement
 Sunday School/ Junior Church Leader
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Church Councils must agree the duties and conditions with each volunteer. Complete this form for each group you wish the volunteer to work with.
This agreement should also be reviewed at least annually. Copies should be held by the group leader, the Church Council and the volunteer.To be completed on behalf of the Church Council (or other appointing body) with the volunteer.
Circuit *
Please indicate which church you are volunteering in *
Sunday School / Junior Church Leader
Sunday School Leaders and Helpers are appointed in accordance with CPD standing orders 660 – 662, to provide an alternative means of worship, reaching out to children and their families, both from the Church and the wider community, by providing fun-based activities designed to encourage development of faith.
Work to be undertaken
• To provide learning experiences which enable children and young people to have an understanding of the Bible and Christian faith
• To contribute to the team planning for Junior Church throughout the Connexional year using appropriate material
• To prepare and deliver activities appropriate for the age group.
• To maintain appropriate pastoral care links to the family and child/ children
• To take responsibility for the safety and care of the children in a safe environment on or off the premises according to Church Safeguarding policies. This may include a response to a range of care needs including assistance with toileting in the absence of a parent or carer
• To complete designated safeguarding training within 6 months of taking up the role, and to attend further safeguarding training as required.
Location of meeting (hall, name of room etc) *
Date and time of meeting *
Frequency of meeting *
Age range of Children and Young People under 18/ description of vulnerabilities *
Person to whom directly responsible/ supervising (e.g. Youth Group Leader/ Church Community Officer/ Minister) *
Training and Review Planning
What training is needed or planned this year *
When is training to take place (usually within a year) *
Date/ Month when this role description is to be reviewed (i.e toward the middle and end of a probationary period and then annually) *
What training is now required?  (e.g. Core Training, Spectrum, Creating Safer Space, Vulnerable Adults) *
Further Training (please give details)Contact your District Safeguarding Officer or DMLN Contact for details of training opportunities. Your minister or circuit steward will be able to provide their contact details. *
The appointing body to whom the group is responsible (e.g. Church Council) *
By sending you this form the Church Council confirms they support you in your role as Sunday School/ Junior Church Leader.
To be completed by the worker with children/young people/adults
I have understood the nature of the work I am to do with children/young people/vulnerable adults. I have read the guidelines produced by the Church for safeguarding children and young people/vulnerable adults. I understand that it is my duty to protect the children, young people and vulnerable adults with whom I come into contact. I know what action to take if abuse is discovered or disclosed.
**Please confirm you understand the above by printing your NAME and today's DATE.**.                         *
***NB: All information will be held in accordance with current data protection legislation. Form A – Part 1 Registration form and Confidential Declaration must also be completed.***
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