Agribusiness Resiliency Grant #2
This grant supports agribusinesses who are experiencing longer-term impacts of the pandemic, which includes higher costs due to inflation and rising interest rates. These impacts result in higher cost of capital overall and less capital to fund growth and reinvestment. To help offset these impacts, Albemarle County will distribute a second round of Agribusiness Resiliency Grants.

Overview of Grant:
  • Grants are available for direct-market agribusinesses - those selling products to restaurants, caterers, local stores; orchards, wineries, and cideries; or at farmers markets
  • Application Period is from April 19 to May 10, 2024
  • The total budget for this round is $60,000 and staff anticipates making 3-8 grants total.
  • Must have a County business license and be in good standing with the County.
  • Proof of payment must be provided for all eligible expenses.
  • Grant awardees will be required to schedule a farm visit with the Economic Development Office prior to June 30, 2024.
Eligible uses include:
  • New capital investments like machinery, tools, other business equipment
  • Costs and expenses incurred to advance sustainable agricultural practices since July 1, 2022
  • Costs and expenses incurred to enhance public health, safety, welfare of employees or visitors since July 1, 2022
  • Costs and expenses incurred to comply with state or local regulations since July 1, 2022
  • Up to 20% of awarded funds may be used for advertising/marketing
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Briefly explain how your business qualifies for this grant. (3-5 sentences) *
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