Subcontractor Application Form
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You need an ABN to get subcontracted jobs from us. To find your ABN, click this link or paste it into your internet browser
Business Name
If you don't have a business name then you can leave this blank.
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Number *
Email *
Postcode *
We need this to know which cleaning jobs are right for you.
How many years of cleaning experience do you have? *
What types of cleaning have you done in the past? (select all that apply) *
What types of cleaning work are you interested in? *
What cleaning equipment to do own? (select all that apply) *
Which areas would you like to work in? (select all that apply) *
How will you get to your jobs? *
What days are you available to work? (select all that apply) *
What times of the day are you available? (select all that apply) *
Can you provide us with a recent police check? (less than 2 years old) *
Do you have Public Liability Insurance? *
Please select your residency or VISA status *
How did you find out about Simply Spotless? *
What city do you live in? *
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