SMASE Marine Signaling Project
The marine signaling project consists of the installation of buoys along the coast in order to protect coral reefs from possible anchoring damage; protect the manatees that inhabit the area; and provide greater security to visitors in the area who carry out activities such as diving and snorkeling

There are 3 different types of buoys:
Yellow buoys (tube type): to delimit a reduced speed zone (without mooring).
Orange buoys (tube type) to mark dive sites and mooring.
Small orange buoys: to mark close-to-shore snorkeling / diving sites and mooring.

Through this form we request your collaboration to be able to record the incidents that have been reported to us and create awareness about the importance of respecting the signs for the benefit of all.
Please inform FUNDEMAR about broken buoys or anything else.
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1. How often does a boat cross directly on top of you while you are diving? *
2. Did it ever happen to you that a boat crossed on top of you while you had your buoy up at the surface? *
for example while doing your safety stop
3. Have you ever asked your clients (divers/snorkelers/other people) to move from a snorkelling/diving spot because you were scared for their safety? *
4. Is there any dive site which you prefer not to go to because of boats? *
If yes, where:
5. Have you ever seen an accident happening because of boats? *
If yes, when and where:
6. What do you think of the idea of having an area where the allowed speed of boats is reduced? *
7. What do you think about the buoys on the dive sites? *
8. How many times have you seen an anchor directly in the coral reef? *
9. Is there any dive site/snorkelling site where you would like to have a mooring buoy? *
If yes, where?
10. Do you have any suggestions of how to improve the safety of divers and snorkelers? *
11. comments and observations
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