Volunteer at NeurIPS 2021 Workshop "Your Model is Wrong: Robustness and misspecification in probabilistic modeling"
Thanks for your interest in volunteering! This form is to indicate your interest in specific volunteer activities for the workshop, and to help encourage more interaction with the community. We will follow up by email to confirm if/which specific activities need volunteer help.

(Note: The information in this form will only be shared with the workshop organizers.)
Name *
Affiliation / Institution *
Title (e.g., PhD student, postdoc, professor, researcher) *
Email (please use CMT email if interested in reviewing) *
Website (homepage, google scholar, etc.) *
Volunteer interests and relevant background
Below we have a few roles listed:

1. Reviewer: help review and recommend papers to the organizing committee. Papers are at most 4 pages in length. We aim to have a reviewer load of 2-3 short papers.

2. Discussant: this is an informal "discussant" role in Gathertown with the goal of increasing interaction with other participants at the workshop.
What activities are you interested in volunteering for? *
Briefly describe any relevant background you have for the activities above (e.g., your research background/interests, relevant reviewing experience). *
Anything else you'd like to let us know.
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