International Programmers Day Quiz
International Programmers Day is celebrated on 13 September or 256th day of each year and 256 number is chosen because it is the number of distinct values that can be represented with a byte, a value well known to programmers.
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Q.1 Who was the first programmer in the world? *
1 point
Q.2 Who developed the C programming language in 1972? *
1 point
Q.3 What does HTML stands for? *
1 point
Q.4 Which of these is NOT a programming language? *
1 point
Q.5 Identify the name of the programming language showing in figure below: *
1 point
Captionless Image
Q.6 The first company founded to provide software products and services is ________ . *
1 point
Q.7 _________ was the first commercial Android device. *
1 point
Q.8 What is the only thing that computers understand? *
1 point
Q.9 Resolving errors in a program is known as______ . *
1 point
Q.10 Java, Python, PHP, and C++ are examples of_______. *
1 point
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