K.I.T. Skyline Class of 2002 Contact Form
Hello Class of 2002, we hella appreciate y’all for being engaged and wanting to come together. We want to create a space where all can feel welcome and free of judgement to celebrate 20 years since high school, get to know each other,  and create new memories. Through this survey we can get a solid contact data base going. This google form has now shifted to focus on contact info now that we have all decided on the reunion, join us on Saturday October 1st, 2022 7-10pm at Parliament in Oakland!
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Email *
Reminisce about a special moment in high school.
Favorite Song from high school
First Name *
Last Name *
Facebook URL
Instagram handle
Phone Number
What is the best way to contact you? (Select all that apply)
Where do you currently live?
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Please use this space to share about any concerns, ideas, or feedback you have. Include as much information as appropriate that can help us facilitate next steps!
Are you interested in supporting the Reunion Planning Committee with any of the following aspects? (Select all that apply.)
Do you have any resources/skills that you'd like to offer to the planning committee?
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