Stakeholder Survey for Thomas Jefferson Middle
Mission Statement: Thomas Jefferson Middle School will promote student- centered excellence and high expectations for all in a safe and nurturing learning environment, where the school community empowers students to achieve their highest potential and realize their desire to be lifelong learners.
Vision Statement: Thomas Jefferson Middle School is committed to being a diverse school community that is characterized as exceptional for its rigorous, competitive educational programs, high expectations, and positive recognition of student achievement.
We are focusing on "Keeping it R.E.A.L." with an emphasis on Relationships, Engagement, Assessment and Learning objectives.

In completing this survey you are helping us improve student learning opportunities.
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I represent *
Choose one that best represents your role
Name and Group Represented
Please check the boxes that best represent your interaction with Thomas Jefferson Middle. *
How you describe your interactions with students? *
Minimal/Introduced myself
Engaged in instruction or in-depth conversation
How engaged were the students during your interaction? *
Minimal Engagement
Highly Engaged
How would you assess the learning of the students during the activity/event with students? *
Few students grasped the idea taught
Most students grasped the idea taught
Do you believe the objectives of the activity/event were completed for student learning? *
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