Host Family Application Form
Thank you for your interest in hosting a Costa Rican exchange student!  Hosting a student is a memorable experience for everyone involved.  Not only does the exchange student learn about your culture, but you are also able to learn about their culture.

Please fill out the form below so we can best match a student to your family.  The more information you provide the easier it will be to find a match for you.  Once matched you will be provided student information including contact info so that you may communicate with them prior to the experience.  Please note matches will not be released until all exchange students have been placed with a family.

Please note families are expected to provide a room, meals, laundry, and local transportation to events as indicated on itinerary.  Any family is welcome to apply to host, however priority will be given to students at host school.  Native Spanish speaking families and Latino families may also apply, but will be accepted on a case by case basis as the primary goals of the exchange are for students to experience a different culture and language from what they are familiar with.

Gracias por su interes en hospedar a un estudiante de intercambio de los Estados Unidos! Hospedar es una experiencia inmemorable para todos los participantes. No solo el estudiante de intercambio aprende sobre su cultura pero tambien uds. aprenden sobre su cultura.

Favor rellenar el formulario a continuacion para poder emparejar a su familia con un estudiante. Entre más información brindan, más facil será encontrarle una pareja. Una vez que reciba su pareja enviaremos informacion de contacto para que puedan comunicarse antes de la experiencia.

Recuerden que las familias dan el cuarto, comida, lavanderia y transporte al colegio. Toda familia es bienvenida participar y nosotros haremos el esfuerzo para conseguirle una pareja que convenga con su perfil. ¡Muchas gracias por su interes!
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Name of High School:
Nombre del colegio
First and last name of hosting student: *
Nombre completo de estudiante anfitrion/a
Host student birth date
Fecha de nacimiento (mes/día/año) de estudiante anfitrion/a
Host student email address:
Correo electronico de estudiante anfitrion/a
Host student cell phone number (for text/WhatsApp communications):
Numero de teléfono de estudiante anfitrion/a
Address (Street, city, state, zip): *
Dirección de la casa
First and last name(s) of parent/guardian contact: *
Nombres de padres de familia
Parent cell phone number (for text/WhatsApp communications): *
Numero de teléfono de padre de familia
Parent email address: *
Correo electrónico de padre de familia
Describe your family.  How many people live at the house?  How many children are there?  What are there names/ages? Do you have pets?  What kind of food do you typically eat?  Would you be able to host a vegetarian? *
Describa su familia.  ¿Cuántas personas viven en su casa? Cuántos niños hay? ¿Qué son los nombres y edades? Tiene Ud. mascotas? ¿Qué tipo de comida normalmente comen?  ¿Podrían hospedar a una persona vegetariana?
What does your family like to do for fun? *
¿A su familia qué le gusta hacer en su tiempo libre?
Describe the living arrangement for the exchange student.  Include bedroom/bathroom set up. *
Describa las instalaciones de la casa.  ¿El/la estudiante tendrá cuarto propio o compartido?  ¿Baño compartido?
We can host a... *
Podemos hospedar a...
How many students would you be willing to host? *
¿Cuántos estudiantes podrían hospedar?
What friends of yours are hosting?
We'll try to place CR friends with you and your friend(s).
Are you filling out this application to host in the US or in Costa Rica? *
¿Está Ud. rellenando ese formulario para recibir en los Estados Unidos o en Costa Rica?
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