Northwest District Women's Ministries Survey
Your input is valued as we plan future retreats, workshops and other events. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

If you wish to get in touch with our council, our emails are:  
Julie Hunt, District Women's Ministries Chair:
Nita Haag:
Kathy Hardiman: 
Kay Hardiman: 
Sonya Miller:
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Questionnaire Questions
If you have not attended District Women's Retreat in the past, please help us know how we can better plan in a way that you would enjoy attending.  You may check "no" for the next question, but provide input on the remaining questions. Thank you!
Have you attended District Women’s Retreat in the past? *
1 point
What is the most enjoyable part of retreat for you?
1 point
What about retreat has helped your spiritual growth?
What part of Retreat has been the most difficult for you or the women in your church?
Would you be interested in attending a one day event, possibly closer to your home?
Clear selection
Do you have a strong preference for a setting for a Women’s Ministry event(church, camp, hotel, etc)
Clear selection
What are some workshop topics that would interest you?
Any additional thoughts or questions?
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