Apply to attend TEDxAmsterdam
TEDxAmsterdam strives to bring a community together that comes from all walks of life. From Technology, Entertainment and Design, with everything in between and beyond.

And what makes this event special is that we don’t sell tickets. Instead we carefully select the unique group of people that come to attend our event.

One of the main reasons we do this is to bring together a high value and diverse group of people, looking beyond background, position, or company they represent. Our selection is based on motivation and a curation of a special group that can have incredible cross pollination.

We therefore ask you to fill in this form to get a better idea of who you are, and most importantly, why you want to come and attend the event. We will do our best to make a good selection of the people attending and wish to create opportunities for all interested.

Due to particular limitations, we can only allow a small group of people for this edition. However, we hope in the future that we can have more wonderful TEDxAmsterdam enthusiasts attend the event in person and get a chance to connect with each other face to face.

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First and Last Name *
Phone number
Linkedin profile or other Social Media
Feel free to share links to your social media profiles
Share why you would like to attend and join us during the live event? *
Please share in less than 200 words what your motivation is to come attend TEDxAmsterdam 2021 on the 19th of November
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