Bag of the Month Club Designer application
Please complete as many details below as possible to enable us to progress your application. All answers and information given will be treated as confidential.
Successful applicants will be contacted with further information when a suitable club appearance space comes available.
Please ensure you have a potential pattern design ready to submit.
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Name of your pattern company. Date you began selling sewing patterns for bags. *
Which social media does your brand utilise? Please note how frequently each is used.
Direct email newsletters
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The following questions are to match you with designers of a similar size customer base to ensure even split of marketing vs earnings.
All information is treated as confidential
What size is your customer/follower/subscriber base on the following networks:  Direct email newsletter.
What size is your customer/follower/subscriber base on the following networks:  Facebook (Groups &/or pages).
What size is your customer/follower/subscriber base on the following networks:  Instagram.
What size is your customer/follower/subscriber base on the following networks:  Youtube.
What skill level would your pattern fall under? If it could be modified to fit in multiple, please tick all that apply.
What style bag is your pattern?
Do you have a prototype of your pattern made up?
Do you agree that any pattern you submit to BOMC is wholly your own (or in collaboration with another designer) and is not a direct and identifiable copy of a store-bought bag /another designer's pattern
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