Career Conversations - Steller's 50th Anniversary
At the Celebrate Steller Open House, on Friday September 13th, 2-5pm, a classroom will be dedicated as a “Career Conversations’’ center.

Please consider talking with current Steller students at the Anniversary re: possible career paths.  Share advice about your career, how you entered the profession, what you love about it, and answer questions students may have about the industry.  Students are excited about learning from you in these informal chats.

To participate . . .

1) Fill out ASD's Volunteer Waiver at before the Anniversary in order to participate in the Career Conversations Room.  The volunteer form allows ASD to conduct a background check for adults who want to interact with ASD students. 

2) Fill out the Business/Career Survey found below. 

3) on Friday, September 13th simply come to the Career Conversations classroom to meet students according to the general schedule below. . . (subject to change based on involvement, please check schedule week-of).

Can't make it to the Anniversary? - we still want to hear from you on the survey. We’re using the 50th Anniversary to learn about Steller Alumni in order to create possible mentorships along with more connections within our wider community. 

Career Conversations Schedule 9/13/24
  • Science
  • Medical/Dental
  • Technology
  • Graphic Design
  • Social Services/Mental Health
  • Engineering
  • Law
  • Business
  • Hospitality
  • Government
  • Fine Arts
  • Education
  • Journalism
  • Communications
Vocational Careers such as:
  • Electrician
  • Plumbing
  • HVAC
  • Farming/Fishing
  • Forestry

* If you don’t find your field listed, please pick a session time that works for you, and let us know when to expect you.

Business/Career Survey

Answer the questions on this form that you'd like to share. This information will be shared with Steller's Principal. We are excited to hear from you!! 

Many thanks!

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Email *
Name *
Where are you now? Where do you live? What has been your career path?
Do you have a business? If so, tell us about, address, etc.
If you live in Anchorage, are you interested in being a mentor to Steller students?
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If you DO NOT live in Anchorage, are you interested in somehow participating in student mentorship?
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Are you interested in creating/participating in a Steller Alumni Organization?
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