COSAC 2024 Presentation Proposal
Thank you for offering to present at COSAC 2024 in Sydney (New College) from Nov 29–Dec 1.

While some presentations will be in the style of formal (perhaps publishable or published) papers, others will be less formal, perhaps introducing the audience to a field, or biographical and less academic in content.

Our aim is to offer a breadth of topics relating to science, Christian faith, and engagement in an increasingly secular marketplace of ideas, within the subdomain of this years' conference theme.

If you would like to discuss ideas for a possible presentation, please don't hesitate to contact our Executive Director Chris Mulherin and Research Director Doru Costache.

We suggest that you prepare your information in a separate document before filling in this form because it is not possible to save the form and return to it later.

Chris Mulherin
ISCAST Executive Director

Doru Costache
ISCAST Research Director

*Your email address is required below, for us to be able to respond to your proposal. However you can email us separately with questions.
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Institutional affiliation
(If relevant)
Please also use this answer to inform us if your presentation is from, or could be used for, an academic paper. We may invite you to submit it as a paper for our academic journal, CPOSAT.
Presentation type *
(You can apply for multiple)
If you have selected "Cross-Disciplinary", please answer this question.
Clear selection
Presentation title *
Preferably a title that will attract interest. We may suggest a new title.
Abstract *
150-200 words for "Traditional" and "Cross-Disciplinary" presentations, 50-100 words for "Lightning Talk" and "Poster" presentations.
Biography *
Up to 250 words only please. Biographies should be a comprehensive description of your background, particularly showing experience/qualifications relevant to the conference theme and presentation.
Equipment requirements
Note, PowerPoints are expected and we will supply the laptop/clicker. We are just asking you to inform us if you predict any additional requirements.
Notes or comments
Do you have anything else you would like us to know?
Finally, we would like to encourage you to send in a video abstract, telling people what you will do in your presentation and explaining why it is a fascinating topic. If this sounds technologically daunting, it may offer you the opportunity for a conversation with one of your children or grandchildren! It is not an onerous task but does require a smart phone. Easy to follow instructions for your video abstract are here:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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