Nominal Declension Exercise 1 (Masculine Singular)
Write the following forms of the word arthaḥ अर्थः “wealth” in either Dēvanāgarī or Roman transliteration.
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Nominative singular (प्रथमा एकवचनम्)
12 points
Accusative singular (द्वितीया एकवचनम्)
12 points
Instrumental singular (तृतीया एकवचनम्)
12 points
Dative singular (चतुर्ती एकवचनम्)
12 points
Ablative singular (पञ्चमी एकवचनम्)
14 points
Genitive singular (षष्ठी एकवचनम्)
12 points
Locative singular (सप्तमी एकवचनम्)
12 points
Vocative singular (संबोधनम् एकवचनम्)
12 points
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